Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Massage

Are you seeking a unique and deeply therapeutic massage experience? Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Massage might be the massage adventure your body has been waiting for!

Designed for individuals who crave deep relaxation and relief from muscle tension, ashiatsu massage offers a blissful retreat for anyone seeking to unwind and recharge amidst the soothing rhythm of skilled therapists' feet.

What is Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Massage?

Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Massage, also known as barefoot massage, is a luxurious and deeply therapeutic massage technique that originated in Asia. During an ashiatsu session, the therapist uses their feet to deliver deep, flowing strokes and compression techniques, utilizing overhead bars for support and balance. This allows for deeper pressure and broader coverage than traditional massage techniques, resulting in a uniquely effective and rejuvenating experience.

The Benefits of Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Massage

  • Deep Muscle Relaxation

    Ashiatsu oriental bar massage employs broad, gliding strokes using the therapist's feet to target deep-seated muscle tension, promoting profound relaxation and relief throughout the body.

  • Improved Circulation

    Application of even pressure stimulates blood flow, facilitating the delivery of oxygen & nutrients to tissues while aiding in the removal of metabolic waste products for enhanced overall health.

  • Enhanced Athletic Performance

    Athletes benefit from ashiatsu massage's ability to accelerate recovery, reduce inflammation, and enhance flexibility, contributing to improved athletic performance and reduced risk of injury.

  • Enhanced Flexibility

    By leveraging gravity and body weight, ashiatsu massage elongates muscles and releases tightness, fostering increased flexibility and range of motion, allowing for freer movement and improved mobility.

  • Stress Reduction

    Experience a reduction in stress levels as ashiatsu massage techniques promote the release of endorphins, the body's natural stress-relieving hormones, fostering a sense of relaxation and mental calmness.

  • Pain Relief

    Targeting areas of chronic pain and discomfort, ashiatsu massage effectively alleviates conditions such as back pain, neck pain, and sciatica by addressing tension at its source, providing lasting relief and comfort.

  • Improved Posture

    Through targeted pressure and stretching techniques, ashiatsu massage helps correct postural imbalances, promoting better alignment and spinal health over time, contributing to improved overall posture and well-being.

  • Holistic Wellness

    Embracing a holistic approach to well-being, ashiatsu massage not only addresses physical tension but also nurtures mental and emotional balance, fostering a sense of overall health and vitality for a truly rejuvenating experience.

Who would benefit from a Ashiatsu Oriental Bar massage?

Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Massage is ideal for individuals in need of deep tissue therapy and relief from chronic pain and tension. It caters to those experiencing conditions like back pain, neck pain, or sciatica, and is particularly beneficial for athletes seeking muscle recovery. Additionally, it aids individuals with limited range of motion or stiffness in muscles and joints, offering a deeply relaxing and rejuvenating massage experience. Whether you're exploring alternative massage techniques or simply seeking improved health and well-being, Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Massage provides a unique and luxurious option for your therapeutic needs.

Whether you're looking to alleviate chronic pain, enhance your athletic performance, or simply indulge in deep relaxation, it’s time to experience the rejuvenating benefits of Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Massage.

Conditions Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Massage Can Help Cure

  • Muscle Tension and Knots

    The deep pressure applied during ashiatsu helps release muscle tension, tightness, and knots.

  • Limited Range of Motion

    It can improve flexibility and relieve stiffness in muscles and joints, enhancing range of motion.

  • Stress-Related Symptoms

    Ashiatsu promotes relaxation and helps reduce symptoms of anxiety, tension, and insomnia.

  • Postural Imbalances

    By targeting specific muscles and applying controlled pressure, ashiatsu can address postural imbalances and muscular dysfunction.

  • Chronic Pains

    Ashiatsu is effective for alleviating chronic pain associated with conditions like fibromyalgia, arthritis, and tension headaches.

  • Sciatica

    Ashiatsu techniques focus on the gluteal muscles and lower back, helping to relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve and reduce pain, tingling, and numbness associated with sciatica.

Discover the transformative healing power of barefoot massage today at Profound Touch. Book your ashiatsu session today and elevate your massage experience to new heights!


  • While Ashiatsu massage is generally safe and well-tolerated, it may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with certain medical conditions or sensitivities. It's essential to inform your therapist of any health concerns, injuries, or medical conditions before your session to ensure a safe and comfortable experience.

  • Ashiatsu massage should not be painful when performed by a skilled and experienced therapist. However, some individuals may experience mild discomfort or sensitivity, especially during the initial session or when targeting areas of tension. Your therapist will communicate with you throughout the session to ensure your comfort level and adjust the pressure as needed.

  • The frequency of ashiatsu massage sessions depends on your individual needs, preferences, and treatment goals. Some clients may benefit from regular sessions as part of their self-care routine, while others may choose to schedule sessions as needed for pain relief, stress reduction, or relaxation. Your therapist can provide personalized recommendations based on your specific situation and goals.

  • While Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Massage can be deeply relaxing and beneficial for many individuals, it is generally not recommended for pregnant women. The deep pressure and techniques used in ashiatsu massage may not be suitable during pregnancy, especially during the later stages when certain pressure points and positions should be avoided. Additionally, the use of overhead bars for support may pose risks for pregnant clients. Pregnant women should consult with their healthcare provider before receiving any form of massage therapy to ensure the safety of both mother and baby.